Joining Up the Humber

Emma worked with the museum services in Hull, North Lincolnshire and the East Riding on a project to commemorate the centenary of the start of the First World War in 2014.


Joining Up the Humber is a collaborative programme, funded by Arts Council England, that brings together the three local authority museum services to deliver events, exhibitions and learning programmes relating to the centenary. Emma is worked on the formal learning strand of the project which included a range of activities:


  • A primary learning workshop at the Ferens Art Gallery, Hull based on the exhibition When War Hit Home: Hull and the First World War
  • A research skills workshop for secondary students at Normanby Hall Country Park, North Lincolnshire
  • Three short films telling personal stories of the First World War, based on original materials from the museum services' collections
  • A set of downloadable learning resources in partnership with the MyLearning website
  • A printed pack of original images from the three services' collections for schools to use in teaching the First World War from a local perspective
  • A conference for teachers and museum learning staff, held in Hull on 3 March 2015, which aimed to offer delegates new knowledge and techniques for engaging young people with the Centenary
  • An interactive timeline showing how the events of the war affected the Humber region.


Image: an unknown soldier and his family photographed in Hull. Source: The Army Children Archive


    Museums have the power to inspire and engage people in learning at every stage of their lives. We can help you discover creative ways of using your collections and knowledge to create exciting new opportunities for everyone to get involved in learning.

    We can help to:

    • Research the needs of learning audiences
    • Develop a strategic approach to your learning provision
    • Audit your existing programmes
    • Create new learning resources and workshops, both on site and online
    • Train staff and volunteers to deliver learning sessions
    • Develop and assess quality standards
    • Fundraise for learning projects
    • Manage learning projects